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Getting Dental Implants At A London Cosmetic Dentist

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Dental implants are known as prosthetic implants or replacements for missing teeth. The composition of natural teeth, in comparison, consists of a crown and its corresponding root. Tooth crowns are the visible part of the tooth covered in white enamel. The root is the underlying part of the tooth, which stretches into the jawbone.

Getting dental implants in London is considered a viable option for people who have lost one or more teeth due to a variety of reasons. Dentists of London consider the best candidate for dental implants to have good oral health and even general health. Patients will need sufficient bone support within their jaw, in addition to health gum tissues to avoid additional complications.

Dental implants are composed of three parts. These parts include the device itself, the abutment or piece connecting directly to the device to the third part or the denture crown. Most dental implants are made of a form of titanium, which provides bio-compatible dental strength after it fuses directly to the bone.

A dental implant is oft a permanent solution to replacing missing teeth, thanks to a process known as osseointegration. This process occurs when bone cells attach themselves to the titanium material used in most dental implants. These osseo-integrated implants are used to support various prosthetic teeth implants, which can replace a single tooth to a full row of teeth. Many dental implants replicate the natural enamel color of the patient to produce a natural result once the installation and recovery process ends.

After receiving a dental implant, many oft feel like the patient’s old teeth. They require the same care as natural teeth do, consisting of the usual brushing and flossing routine. Oftentimes, both dentist and periodontist schedule additional follow-up visits to ensure that a patient’s implant, gums and teeth are healthy following the procedure.

Both dentists of London and periodontists perform dental implant procedures. A periodontist will formulate a treatment plan to suit their patient, while a cosmetic dentist of London provides assistance with determining how the procedure will play out. When searching for a cosmetic dentist and periodontist, a patient may want to find both dental implants London professionals within the same dental practice to avoid complications.

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